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The trading sessions of

holiday in Sep

Ultima Markets Cross Ring
Ultima Markets Cross Ring

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays.

Please refer to the following details:

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details:
Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions)
Labour Day 2023.09.04 Market Closed FX / USDBRL, USDCLP, USDCOP, USDTWD
Commodities / Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, OJ,
Soybean, Sugar, Wheat
US Shares
18:30 Early Close VIX
20:00 Early Close Indices / DJ30, DJ30ft, SP500, SP500ft,
NAS100, NAS100ft, US2000,
Nikkei225, JPN225ft
Bonds / TY
20:15 Early Close XPDUSD, XPTUSD
20:30 Early Close UKOUSD, UKOUSDft, Gasoil
21:30 Early Close Metals / XAUUSD (GOLD), XAGUSD (SILVER)
Commodities / USOUSD, CL-OIL, Copper, GAS,
23:00 Early Close UK100, UK100ft, GER40, GER40ft
Labour Day 2023.09.05 03:00 Late Open UKOUSDft
Independence Day 2023.09.07 Market Closed USDBRL, BVSPX
Independence Day 2023.09.18 Market Closed USDCLP
Army Day 2023.09.19 Market Closed USDCLP
Heritage Day 2023.09.25 Market Closed SA40
Harvest Festival 2023.09.28 Market Closed USDIDR, USDKRW
Harvest Festival 2023.09.29 Market Closed USDTWD, USDKRW
National Day 2023.10.02 Market Closed HK50, HK50ft

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+3.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
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