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Dear Client,
As part of our commitment to provide the best reliability and service to our client, we are planning an upgrade to our server this weekend.
Server Upgrade Hours:
2022/06/25 16:00 – 18:00 (Server Time)
Please be reminded that:
During this weekend’s maintenance period, clients can still trade as usual.
However, the stability of quotations and market liquidity will be affected and decreased.
We appreciate your patience and understanding on this matter.
If you have any questions, our team will be happy to answer your questions. Please mail to or contact the service online.
Kind regards,
Ultima Markets
Ultima Markets (Pty) Ltd (登録番号 K2021950694) は、FSP 番号 52497 で金融セクター行動監視機構 (FSCA) によってライセンスおよび認可されています。登録住所: 183 Albion Springs, Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape, 7700, South Africa。
法的情報:Ultima MarketsはUltima Markets Ltdの商号であり、モーリシャスの金融サービス委員会(FSC)により、投資ディーラー(アンダーライティングを除くフルサービスディーラー)として許可・規制されています(ライセンス番号GB 23201593)。登録事務所の住所:2nd Floor, The Catalyst, 40 Silicon Avenue, Ebene Cybercity, 72201, Mauritius.
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